
Our children’s Sunday school classes are from 10:00 a.m. – 10:55 a.m. We will focus this year on learning the stories of the Bible. We make every effort to focus on the children’s social, physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual lives. 

All of the children’s classrooms are located in the McArn Building.

Preschool (3 yr. old - 5K)     Room 39

1st-2nd Grade                       Room 32

3rd-5th Grade                        Room 42

Middle School Youth            Room 41

Senior High Youth                 Westminster Hall

Children's Programs

BLAST (Bible Learning & Singing Together)

Palm Sunday Parade

Rally Day

Easter Egg Hunt

Vacation Bible School

Butterfly Release

Wacky Wild Water Wednesday

Bethesda Christian School

Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat 


Infants - 2 yr. olds    Room 38

Our babies are truly a gift from God and Bethesda Presbyterian Church wants to ensure their safety, as well as provide parents comfort when they leave their child in the nursery. In order to make this possible, the nursery is staffed with two Adult Nursery workers, who have a huge hearts for children and who are CPR certified. 


Children's Church

McArn Building     Room 40

Following the Children’s Message during the 11:00 worship service, the 3K – 2nd grade children are invited to Children’s Church. The Children’s Church classroom is located in McArn Building. During this time, children enjoy listening to Bible stories, coloring, and playtime.

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